Maricopa County Human Services Department – the founding funder of Threshold – has released news about the unanimous approval by the Board of Supervisors to extend Threshold through 2025. Check it out below!

Innovative Program Funded by Maricopa County

1,250 people have left homelessness behind over the past year through an innovative program announced by Maricopa County in May 2022. Seeded with $5 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal dollars, the public/private partnership has proven a successful model to end homelessness.

“We have seen rent prices skyrocket over the past two years, making it quite difficult for many people to afford rent – let alone those working to take the steps from homelessness into housing,” said Chairman Clint Hickman, District 4. “We applaud these property owners and managers for putting people first and collaborating with us toward solutions that change lives and strengthen our community.”

Read the full News Flash at: 1,250 Previously Homeless Individuals Now Have Permanent Housing